citizen Density

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Population density is a measurement of people per unit area or unit volume. It is generally represented as people per quadrilateral mile (or quadrilateral kilometer). The people density of cities, states, entire continents and even the world can be computed. About 90% of the earth's people live on 10% of the land. Additionally, about 90% of the people live north of the equator. The people density of the planet, including the entire continental and island land areas and the Antarctica is about 117 people per quadrilateral mile.

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How is citizen Density

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High people density

Four areas of human attention are:

a. Eastern Asia, including China, Japan and Republic of Korea,
b. Southern Asia, comprising Indian sub-content including India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka
c. North-eastern part of the United States of America
d. Central and Northwestern Europe

Some of the most densely populated parts of the world rely basically on agriculture like the Nile valley of Egypt, the river valley and plain of China, the Indo Gangetic Plain of India and the Island of Java in Indonesia. Overcrowding leads to poverty and low acceptable of living.

The densely populated areas dependent on business and urban development are Western Europe, north-eastern Usa and Japan. These areas generally have a high acceptable of living and are becoming richer as new techniques and ideas generate employment opportunities. However, the problems of traffic, pollution, disposal of waste etc. Growth as towns extend. The Mediterranean regions were inhabited from early periods in history due to their pleasant climate.

Moderately populated areas

The slowly populated regions of the world are ordinarily those where agriculture is the dominant occupation. The areas of moderate people density have 25-100 persons per quadrilateral kilometer. The slowly populated parts of the world are:

1. Tropical savanna - It includes the areas of Brazil, Northern Australia and Africa. In these areas, discrete types of thorough farming are practiced.

2. Temperate grassland - The largest grassland areas of North America (The Prairies), U.S.S.R. (the steppes), Argentina (The Pampas), interior Australia and South Africa have a moderate density of population. The community has often followed the construction of railways, e.g., trains Siberian.

3. Tropical and Temperate coastlands - It includes the central and eastern Europe, central and the southern Usa, South East Australia, Central Chile and estuary of Argentina as these regions have a moderate dense people due to moderate climate, livestock, farming activities. Moreover, the transportation and shop activities are also better.

Low Density Areas

About half the land area of world has very thin population, even less than 10 persons per quadrilateral kilometer. A vast area remains completely uninhabited. These uninhabited lands occur in both the hemispheres. The main areas are:

1. Equatorial forest regions of Amazon in South America and Congo in Africa

2. Arctic area of Canada, Greenland and the Polar regions

3. Great Deserts of the world, i.e., Sahara, Kalahari, Arabia (all of Africa), Great Sandy Desert of Australia, Atacama Desert of South America, Desert region of the Western United States and Thar Desert of India.

4. High titanic regions in all the continents

5. Antarctica

Some of the areas in these regions enjoy a very high acceptable of living. Australia with an median density of people of 2 persons per sq. Km. Is one of the most sparsely populated countries of the world. Inhabitants here enjoy a high acceptable of living.

Obviously, the reasons for low density of areas of the world are:

1. Bad and unfavorable environment conditions for human settlement

2. Lack of economic activities

3. Lack of means of transportation and communication, thus, resulting in isolation

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